Expedia’s first B2B iPhone app

The idea: Provide hoteliers and market managers with a fast and easy way to snap, tag and send high resolution images to Expedia PartnerCentral (a supplier-facing CMS) with a custom iPhone app.

The problem: 90% of hotel images are poor quality (< 600p. iPhone image resolution starts at 1360p, better than many digital cameras); 43% of hotels have fewer than 15 images; only 23% have multiple images per room.

The Win: High resolution images enhance mobile/tablet/desktop UI and conversion with optimal full-screen display while reducing the need for sourcing/scraping expensive high resolution images. Another win: App is one of a new breed in the Apple store that is B2B, productivity-focused and provides high business value at little expense, a branding win for Apple and Expedia.

How it works (based on two primary APIs: authenticated user sign-in associates ID to hotels; image upload). Branded icon and design by Mobiata team, San Francisco):


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